SQL to SQL Generators

Integrate the SQL-to-SQL generators in your application.

Please read the getting started guide first.

Table of contents


You can integrate with our platform by using a simple fetch request:

const response = await fetch('https://api.sqlai.ai/api/public/v1', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', authentication: `Bearer ${SECRET_TOKEN}`, }, body: JSON.stringify({ prompt: 'SELECT * from users;', mode: 'optimizeSQL', engine: 'postgres', }), }); const { query, error } = await res.json(); if (error) { // Handle error } // Run generated SQL query on your database const data = await client.query(query);


Send POST request to:



Options when requesting a SQL generation:

  • prompt (required): The SQL query.
  • mode (required): "optimizeSQL", "fixSQL", "simplifySQL", "formatSQL", "databaseIndex".
  • engine: The database engine to use:
    • mysql
    • postgres
    • oracle
    • mssql
    • snowflake
    • mariadb
    • sqlite
    • bigquery
    • mongodb
    • sql (native SQL is default)
  • engineVersion: Database engine version number/code as string, e.g. "16", "5.7", "21c".
  • dataSourceId: Use a data source when generating SQL, e.g. database schema hosted on SQLAI.ai.
  • dataSourceRaw: Use included data source to generate SQL. CSV format recommended for SQL databases with: table_name, table_column, table_type (table type can be left out if needed, AI can usually infer it).


The above example will return this response:

{ "query": "SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update\nFROM actor\nWHERE actor_id = 13;", "content": "```sql-answer\nSELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update\nFROM actor\nWHERE actor_id = 13;\n```", "queries": { "markdown": ["```sql\nSELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update\nFROM actor\nWHERE actor_id = 13;\n```"], "clean": ["SELECT actor_id, first_name, last_name, last_update\nFROM actor\nWHERE actor_id = 13;"] }, "meta": { "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 598, "completion_tokens": 28, "total_tokens": 626 }, "finish_reason": "stop" } }

The response object type:

type ResponseBody = { query: string; // Generated SQL query stripped of formatting content: string; // Complete Markdown generation queries: { markdown: string[]; // All SQL queries with formatting clean: string[]; // All SQL queries stripped of formatting }; meta: { usage: { completion_tokens: number; prompt_tokens: number; total_tokens: number }; finish_reason: 'stop' | 'length' | 'tool_calls' | 'content_filter' | 'function_call'; }; error: string | undefined; };


If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out.