get all users who live in downtown Boston using lat/lng

get all users who live in downtown Boston using lat/lng

SQL statement for Postgres:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE ST_DWithin ( users.location, ST_SetSRID (ST_MakePoint (-71.0596, 42.3601), 4326), 1000 );


  • The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from the users table.
  • The ST_DWithin function is used to find users whose location is within a certain distance from a given point.
  • The users.location column represents the location of each user in the table.
  • The ST_SetSRID function is used to set the spatial reference system identifier (SRID) for the given point.
  • The ST_MakePoint function is used to create a point with the specified latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • The -71.0596 and 42.3601 values represent the longitude and latitude coordinates of downtown Boston, respectively.
  • The 4326 value is the SRID for the WGS 84 coordinate system, which is commonly used for representing latitudes and longitudes.
  • The 1000 value represents the distance in meters within which we want to find users.
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  • Thu, 24 Aug 2023 14:14:12 GMT